Hello Newbies!

My name is Hope and I am learning how to build a website and start a blog that will eventually, hopefully. create income. This website is where I am learning how to do that and applying what I learn. It’s all a work in progress and perhaps some of the challenges and solutions I share may help others.

This button doesn’t do anything…yet.

Why write a blog about starting a blog?


There is A LOT to learn no matter how simple any youtube video makes it sound. Instead of stressing over starting in a ‘good’ niche, I figured there would be plenty to write about this learning process.


I learn better by doing. So actually working in a WordPress.org blog is the best way for me to learn the process.

Make Mistakes

Since this blog is simply a way to learn how to create optimized, affiliate marketing blog websites, I don’t have to worry about messing it up.

Talk about what’s missing.

It has been difficult to narrow in on a way to learn the very basics of creating a blog on WordPress using Kadence and Kadence blocks.

Find Helpful Videos and Podcasts

I’ll share the helpful resources I find along the way.


Maybe working through this process will help someone else who may be challenged by similar issues.